Benefits of restarting Dance as a Beginner

The progress I made in Restarting as a Beginner

Hey, readers welcome back to my blog. In my last post, I shared why I'm restarting my dance practice as a beginner. I also told you that I'd share my progress with you.

Wanna know how it has benefitted me and how it may benefit you as well? Keep reading.

Progress I made in Restarting my Dance Journey as a Beginner

What Did I Do?

As I mentioned in my last post, I've been stretching and refining some basic moves for like 3 weeks now. Although I skipped somedays, I kept practicing and moving forward.

First of all, what I did- Simply just searched "simple dance moves for beginners/hip hop dance foundation moves" on YouTube, and went through many videos, and started practicing religiously.

I also started to stretch (something I haven't done in years). And now I am a lot looser and can move much freely. I started with just the painless ones- the cobra pose, hamstring stretch, some bends, etc. And for warmup, I did some jumping jacks only.

I think that stretching and warmup are really important for my dancing. I've seen a gigantic boost in my practice since I started to stretch and do a warmup routine before practicing. In fact, I'm thinking to write my next post only about the benefits of stretching and warmup!

Progress made.

I can move much freely now, I am more flexible than before, and my moves look a lot cleaner. Earlier, I was just focusing on getting the moves done and didn't give much importance to how they looked and felt. And as I'm practicing several grooves, bounces, and body rocks, I look great!

Although I didn't become a pro in just three weeks, I really learned a lot! And practiced a lot! And discovered a lot! 

I got to learn a lot about the importance of foundation in dance. You can't build a great building on a weak foundation! 

I am still learning and will keep learning. Because learning is beautiful.

Importance of Foundations in dance.

Now, I'm gonna share some of the benefits of having the right foundations:

1. You will look a lot cleaner and less awkward

2. You can learn choreographies faster because you have the basics

3. You will be more versatile

4. You'll be able to advance quickly

5. You'll be more confident while you dance

6. Your overall performance will improve

Although I haven't mastered my foundations yet, these are some benefits I got while training and also learned from many articles and videos.

Here's a link to a post by STEEZY's blog if you want more info.

Importance of my spreadsheet.

You may remember I also told in the last post that, I made a spreadsheet for marking all of my signs of progress and actions I took.

Just doing this literally tripled my progress! I could know on which days I practiced what, and on which days I skipped, so I can plan what I need to do next.

I think everyone should have a journal or diary dedicated only to their dance and progress. So they can also keep on track with everything and claim benefits like I did.

My final words

In this section, I want to tell you what I really think about this dance journey, and what I think about this new me (a bit upgraded one)

I think that making the decision to go back to the basics is one of the best decisions I've ever made. 

What makes me say these words? I already stated all the improvements I made like- looking cleaner, being able to move freely, getting more flexible, gaining confidence, and doing better at more advanced moves.

If you are also like I was, didn't learn the basics first and dived right into the harder choreographies just to look cool and show off in front of your friends, then I really recommend you to restart from the basics.

Not only will this make you a better and more confident dancer, guess what? Your friends will get more impressed by seeing you dance like this!

If you wanna know more about the benefits of beginner training then visit here.


So, that was all about the benefits I got in restarting my dance practice as a beginner.

If you got some other tips for me, please leave them in the comments. And share with your friend if he/she needs to see this. You can follow me on my social media accounts, links are at the right-hand side of the screen.

I hope this was helpful to you and I'll see you in the next post.

Much love,


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