About Us

About Us

Hey there! My name is Kaushik. I made this blog to share my dance journey with all of you and also exchange tips. I am passionate about dancing and am an intermediate level dancer. This is just a personal blog where You and I can connect together and share our knowledge with each other. I am also familiar with Spirituality and Self Development. So, I'll be sharing my knowledge about these topics also.

You can follow me on Instagram and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel. The links are on the right side of the page. I know I'm not a master. But, I created this Dance Niche blog so we can learn together. All the knowledge that I share here isn't fully mine. I'm learning and trying to teach you at the same time, so we can grow together. And maybe, one day we'll become a vast community.

I appreciate you for reading this About Us Page and I hope you enjoy this blog's content.

Much love,

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