3 Form of Exercises for Dancers with Their Benefits.

Hey readers, thanks for returning to the blog. Today we'll talk about exercises for dancers.

Health is a vital element of a dancer. But many still neglect it (I did too). Although being overweight does not mean you can't dance, it restricts your movements. And health isn't merely about your weight or physique, it is your overall well-being. Let's not spend more time defining the word health. You need to exercise regularly to be a good dancer and for a good life.

Now let's see about some types of workouts and how they help.

3 Form of Exercises for Dancers with Their Benefits


High-Intensity Interval Training(HIIT) is renowned for boosting stamina. It is a form of workout where you alternate between rounds of short bursts of intense exercise with very little time for rest. And research says that HIIT training helps to significantly increase aerobic capacity. You can include HIIT in your routine 3-4 times a week. There are infinite numbers of such workouts on YouTube.

Strength training

Strength training means any workout you do with resistance, like - dumbbells, your own body weight, or any other form of weight. Strength training increases your muscular strength and endurance. Which means you'll do less damage to your muscles. And you'll also look more powerful while dancing.

You can join a gym if you want, or do some regular bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, sit-ups or crunches, and plank. Or you can follow any workout from YouTube. Everything works!

A conspiracy now arises that if you do strength training, you'll get buffed, and that reduces your flexibility. It is also believed that lifting weights stunts your height growth. All these are just myths. But if you don't workout with proper form, you're gonna hurt yourself. That's a thing to keep in mind. And if you're still worried about flexibility, you can stretch regularly. Stretching increases flexibility. I've already written about the benefits of stretching. If you haven't read that yet, you can read it here.

Yoga and Meditation

Now I wanna throw some light on the spiritual side. You may already know the benefits of yoga, that it is like other workouts done more peacefully. But why did I include meditation? Does it also have health benefits? Yes, it does! Physical health is important, but that doesn't mean not paying attention to mental health.

I've become a very spiritual person in this lockdown phase. And this has been a blessing to me! Through meditation, I'm able to keep my wavering mind calm throughout the day. It also improved my breathing and stamina a bit. I'm more efficient and focused during my practice. There are endless benefits to meditation.

To meditate, just sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Or you can use the service of guided meditation from YouTube. I recommend meditating first thing in the morning when your mind is still. Now, you are set for a great day ahead!


Rest is as important as the workout itself. How do you feel after studying 10 hours with no breaks in between? Groggy, right? Studying is important, but studying like this impacts your health. In the same way, you need to rest after a workout.

Always make sure that you are working out for your good, not your bad. So, when you feel you've done a heavy job, just squeeze in a couple of hours of sleep!


Alright, that was about the importance of health for dancers and the benefits of different types of workouts. I hope this post was helpful to you.

I appreciate you for reading and see you in the next post.

Much love,

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